A Message to All Those Involved in US-Russian Educational and
People-to-People Exchanges

Subject: 2nd US-Russian Exchanges Symposium, Moscow, May 26-27, 2005

If you are already receiving in some way information about the US-Russian Exchanges Symposium, please excuse this additional message. It is hard to know precisely who has received it and we don’t want to be guilty of not informing all interested parties.

The US-Russia Exchanges Symposium is a unique networking event for US and Russian education and exchange institutions interested in making new contacts, discussing opportunities for new bilateral partnerships, and learning about the latest developments in US-Russian education exchanges. Organized by the US Embassy in cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Education, it is designed to respond to the needs and interests of the participants. If your institution is involved in US-Russian exchanges, or if you would like to be, I hope you will consider attending or sending a representative.

What does this symposium offer you?

A preliminary schedule and list of tentative panel sessions for the two-day event is attached.

Additional opportunities in Russia

Other services available on an optional basis in connection with the Symposium, including:

More information

A comprehensive list of information and website information follows this letter. There is a separate Russian-language version also available from the website.

Why participants should register early

Laurence D. Wohlers
Minister Counselor for Public Affairs

Dear Russian and American Participants:

As we continue our planning for the May 26-27 Exchanges Symposium to be held in Moscow, we would like to share this information with you. This bulletin contains information concerning:

We already have received a great amount of feedback from both American and Russian participants. We are in the process of creating a web-based forum for participants to discuss various panel topics with one another prior to the symposium or to ask general questions. Additional information on this forum is forthcoming. In the meantime, we would like to encourage you to register on our web site. There will be no conference fee for those who register before April 1. (http://www.usembassy.ru/bilateral/symposium2_form.php)

Deadlines to Remember:

March 15 – Deadline for Educational and Tourist excursions

April 1 – Proposal submissions for panel sessions.

April 1 – Expo participation registration

April 1 – Visa support information

April 1 – Travel stipend application

April 30 – Participation registration