ECA Alumni Small Grants Program

Dear ECA alumni,

IREX is pleased to announce the October round of  2004 Alumni Small Grants Competition. Please note that applications are due October 1, 2004.

The ECA Alumni Small Grants Program was piloted by IREX in February 1999. The program is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is designed to enable alumni of ECA programs to increase the impact on their home communities by providing funding for individual projects that further the goals of their original programs in the United States. Grants have been awarded to alumni to organize community service projects, publish self-authored books and materials, invite US colleagues to Eurasia for collaborative projects, make research trips within Eurasia, and organize and/or attend regional seminars and conferences. IREX has administered six rounds of the program to date. Alumni of the following ECA-sponsored programs are eligible to apply:

The purpose of the ECA Alumni Small Grants Program is to further the professional development of ECA alumni. Grants are a maximum of $5,000, and allow alumni to do the following:

The application is posted on our website:

The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2004. All the application materials should be sent to the following address electronically: A copy of the application should also be submitted to your local IREX office.

We encourage you to contact your local IREX office with any questions and to check whether they will be holding an informational workshop for the ECA Alumni Small Grants Program in the near future.

Best wishes,
Cris Martin

*****Note New Email Address*****
Cris Martin
Program Officer
Education Programs Division
2121 K Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037
TEL: (202) 628-8188 x120
FAX: (202) 628-8189

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