Б.П. Леонтьев

Redesign of Amtrican Educational Materials and its Time Pattern Discrimination

  1. It is an attempt to analyze output of JFDP against expectations, try to state clearly what and how we can get from participation in JFDP, and what we can expect to gain in the future.
  2. The very first problem is to select American Educational Materials (AEM), which are of high quality and wide nomenclature. It is necessary to assess them in terms of usefulness and suitability keeping in mind prospects of their use in Russia. Approach to this procedure is given [2].
  3. As a priority books AEM from the field of computer science and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were selected for further procession. Computer networks integrated with telecommunication systems are essential for prospective Educational Environment and globalization.
  4. Processing of AEM follows accompanied by adaptation to USA entry and Russia reentry cultural shocks in the background. Analysis undertaken in [1,3] revealed time patterns in this process. Time milestones are given to work out original educational and research products, which are based on redesign of AEM and on intercultural experience acquired during participation in JFDP.
  5. It becomes possible to say what elements of AEM were incorporated into the courses, what will be incorporated in the foreseeable future, and what of them will hardly be ever integrated.
  6. It may happen, that a different philosophy stands behind AEM, and they may not be used in Russia in their original form and redesign is needed for them to be readily used. There is a feeling, that some of them are several years ahead of the situation in Russia in general or local environment at present.
  7. Decision making scheme based on the personal experience proved to be correct and may be of use in the exchange programs planning and control.


  1. Б.П. Леонтьев Модель для оценки эффективности Американских образовательных программ в России // Россия и США на рубеже XX-XXI вв.: состояние, проблемы, перспективы: Межд. конф. Участников американских программ научных обменов между Россией и США.- 1999, Екатеринбург, с.62
  2. Б.П. Леонтьев Оценка проектов по разработке научно-методического обеспечения с использованием опыта Американских программ обмена // Интеграция в сфере образования как фактор развития Байкальского региона: Мат. межд. конф.- 1999, с.146
  3. Б.П. Леонтьев Модель адаптации Российского участника Американской программы обмена // Наука, техника, образование г.Тольятти и Волжского региона: межв. сб. научн. тр., ч.1, Тольятти, 2000, с.96